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Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 2

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 3

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 4

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 5

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fruit and Food Lowering Cholesterol

There are some foods and fruits that have the privilege can lower LDL a major factor in forming cholesterol in the body and vice versa, have the ability to raise HDL cholesterol to be one element of good for the body so it can help cholesterol levels back into normal size.
Here are some Foods Lowering Cholesterol and Cholesterol Lowering Fruits

1. Garlic
Food recipes that contain lots of garlic in it as one of the basic ingredients are the foods that are very useful for lowering LDL levels and is perfect used as cholesterol-lowering diet.

2. Salmon
Eating salmon regularly can also reduce levels of cholesterol in the body.

3. Nuts
Some types of beans such as kidney beans, chickpeas, beans and other legume species can also be used as an additional diet for lowering cholesterol by 10% when consumed regularly in less than 2 months.

4. Spinach
One contained a substance called lutein in spinach to repel cholesterol in the blood vessels. So if you eat spinach every day routine will be able to neutralize cholesterol foods that we eat perhaps accidentally.

5. Soybeans
Substance Isoflavones contained in soy bean is one substance that can lower cholesterol effectively.

6. Olive oil
Olive oil is the oil group that contains many antioxidants that serve as cholesterol-lowering food ingredients. The U.S. Food Supervisory Agency (FDA) has even suggested that taking 2 tablespoons (23 grams) of olive oil daily routine.

7. Tea
Tea has also become an important drinks that contain lots of antioxidants to reduce cholesterol in the body. So get used to drink tea every day with a routine that cholesterol levels in the body more awake.

8. Chocolate
If you like to eat chocolate, try chocolate that you choose black. Because white chocolate is known to be useful as a cholesterol-lowering diet. While a lot of dark chocolate contains antioxidants and flavonoids.

Fruit Cholesterol Lowering

Fibers contained in each type of fruit proved to erode levels of cholesterol in the body. One is a wine which contains catechins as cholesterol-lowering agent that is effective enough. Apples are also known to contain antioxidants that are very high and rich in vitamin C.

HDL cholesterol in the body can also be enhanced by consuming Avocado is a source of unsaturated fats, of course, when combined with green vegetables that can neutralize a high content of calories in the Avocado.

From the brief description above, please note that not all fat is bad. Fatty foods should be avoided, of course most of the saturated fats of animal origin and saturated vegetable fats such as coconut oil coconut milk.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Crispy Chicken Burger

The texture of the crispy chicken and tasty from Crispy Chicken Burger recipe below will get you hooked and constantly imagined pleasures. Especially when enjoyed together with a tasty mayonnaise sauce and eaten with a soft burger buns and soft! It must be difficult for you to express all the pleasure in words ..
Okay .. The following are the secret ingredients and how to make it

All materials needed are:

100 grams of bread flour that has a rough texture
1 egg, shake until it changes color to white and then set aside the bubble
cooking oil to taste

Materials to make berger:

300 grams of chicken meat, a little finely chopped
30 grams onion, roughly chopped or mashed
1 clove garlic, finely chopped or minced to a smooth
1 tablespoon green onion, thinly sliced
1 egg, egg whites take it
2 tablespoons bread flour rather coarse-textured
½ teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt or adjust to your taste

Supplementary materials:

Vegetable salad
bottled mayonnaise

method of manufacture is as follows:

Stir all the above ingredients together until blended.
Then split into 4 sections, flat round shape.
Dip each piece that has been rounded to the beaten eggs and then direct you dip them in bread crumbs until the entire surface of a closed flat.
Let stand a few minutes to make it more dry.
The next stage of course gorenglah as it matures on both sides.
Crispy Chicken Burger you're ready to make you and your whole family feel the incredible sensation of pleasure.

All of the above materials can be used for 4 servings

Super Delicious Chicken Hotdog

Crispy chicken meat is combined with a soft hot dog bread is one of healthy food and most preferred by everyone because in addition to delicious, the food also has a complete nutritional content. Because the inside layer of bread chicken hotdogs there is also a variety of fresh vegetables that make it more nutritious.

Here are the basic ingredients to make it:
2 slices of soft bread to make a layer of hot dogs
2 pieces of fresh lettuce
2 tablespoons mayonnaise, adjust its brand with your taste
2 tablespoons chili sauce, also up to you to issue its brand
1 tomato, cut a little thin

To make the chicken mixture, stir all ingredients until evenly berkiut:
250 grams of chicken meat that has been chopped fine or rather coarse
1 egg yolk is taken alone
1 tablespoon flour
1 full tablespoon of full cream milk powder
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt or to taste
1 tablespoon chopped green onion until smooth

Materials to create a layer:
1 egg white, beaten slightly longer or until frothy
100 grams of white bread flour

Supplementary materials:
Several types of fresh vegetables according to taste
Fruits that are still fresh

okay now entering the stage to make it:

Print the chicken mixture into a round and slightly flattened or you can print into a mold.
Then dip the dough which was formed earlier in the egg white and sprinkle bread crumbs until the entire surface was wrapped with a flat.
Fried dough is wrapped in the bread flour in hot oil until the color turns brown and dry.
Then give each of the bread with mayonnaise, do not forget to give a piece of lettuce and other vegetables according to taste. Then place the chicken mixture in the middle.
Give slices of tomato and pepper sauce to taste to make it more enjoyable.

Serve chicken hot dogs while warm with a loved one

Serves 2

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Not Eating Meat and Dairy So Healthier?

Running a healthy diet of course become a necessity and it is very important for those of you who want a better life. But is it true if you do not eat meat (high calorie) and milk it can make the body more healthy?

Maybe for some people a vegetarian diet is considered strange, because they assume that the vegetarian diet will make a person's weight dropped drastically. Such an idea is wrong, because even in a vegetarian diet one should avoid all products processed from animal ingredients including milk, eggs and honey. But by eating vegetables, fruits and nuts on a regular basis and will continue to make the body's nutritional deficiencies are not at all.

Several studies have shown that avoiding eating meat and dairy can significantly help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension, obesity and even cancer. Most people assume that the vegetarian menu such as fruit salad, jelly, pureed green beans, eggplant sauteed garlic is less so delicious when eaten. But people are more likely to fill his plate with various toppings animal because they think the dish is very interesting and very delicious if eaten.

Mark Bittman a consultant and filler food columns and opinion givers also in the Times Magazine said, if you want to try to make a semi-vegetarian diet, Bittman offers tips to occasionally replace meat with beans on the menu humberger we will eat. Perhaps in this way has never been done before but if you believe in and want to try to do it then you will get better benefits for the health of your body.

Some menu choices healthy foods of course not only has the function to lose weight, but this way is also an intelligent resolution in order to keep your life healthy and can also save money shopping.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

High-calorie foods Fast Old Brain?

Habits of someone who frequently consume foods that contain calories high enough that it has impact not only bad for health. But more surprising is the impact that it can also cause a person's brain becomes older quicker. That's the latest facts revealed by the scientists succeeded in Italy some time ago.

Teams from Italy which consists of several scientists from the Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Rome recently succeeded in uncovering and announce the results of new research through the U.S. journal, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study was conducted to determine the effect of further foods that contain lots of calories with the help of a mouse.

The scientists tested the rats by feeding a diet of about 70% of their usual food intake. The result was startling, because the mice are not obese at all, the mice also had better memory, and has a low risk of getting Alzheimer's. In a study conducted by scientists led by Giovambattista Pani, Professor Achille Cittadini, and in collaboration with Prof. Claudio Grassi CREB1 gene is also found in the brains of mice.

According to the researchers suspected, CREB1 gene found in the brains of these mice is triggered from the existence of caloric restriction (due to reduced food). The gene has since been known as a gene that can regulate important functions of the brain, also controls memory, learning, and even closely related to the longevity factor. And the next step is to research the scientists continue to try to figure out the main causes of the emergence of genes CREB1 time of the calorie-restricted diet.

The discovery of CREB1 is a factor of fundamental changes that this is an important and major step in the medical world. Because of the present invention will be revealed the close relationship between brain function, body weight, and diet. Although the trial has not done directly on humans, but the researchers have dared to assume that if a person's brain does not have the gene CREB1, then chances are someone becomes faster and faster obese parents also will be even greater.

"Through this discovery, then the future will have important implications for developing future therapies. Especially for us to always keep your brain young and prevent the degeneration of the brain and the aging process. Dr.Pani said, one of the study's lead researcher, as quoted by medicalxpress.com site.

Therefore, from now on you should familiarize yourself with a healthy lifestyle by not eating high-calorie foods. Because obesity was not only adversely affect the body but also on the brain.

Bad Eating Habits at the Office

Most people who live in big cities in various parts of the world who spend a lot of his time in office. Since very little free time just to cook and eat the right way. They will usually meet their working drawer with fast food and some snacks that tastes sweet.

Instant food or fast food and sweets are high in fat, salt and glucose so that it can cause a person to more quickly contracting obesity, diabetes and even heart disease. But do not worry, though now you have a relatively poor eating habits such as described above, but not too late for you to improve the eating habits.

Here are some eating habits you should avoid when you're working in the office:


Avoid storing some foods such as chips, chocolate candies, or cookies in the glove compartment of your work. Although these foods can help you in recovering your stamina, but these foods will be able to easily make your body store fat that is actually not needed by the body. Even worse is the salt content found on packaged snacks that can cause hypertension and dehydration.

Too much to drink tea or coffee

The habit of drinking tea or a cup of coffee every two hours is a habit that must be eliminated, because the habit of drinking tea and coffee is done to excess can make you feel easily agitated, irritability, dehydration, and even more severe effect is insomnia. If the tea and coffee drunk after we finished eating, it will be able to inhibit the absorption of iron and of course the body will experience a complete nutritional deficiencies.


After your day of work, of course, you will feel hungry and your mind immediately tempting to try to have dinner hunger to get out and sleep the sleep. Yet the truth is that hunger at night to tell if you are already tired and must get to sleep, not eating. If you eat a big portion with a high carbohydrate content, it will be difficult for the body digest food before you sleep.

If it is necessary, then eat vegetables combined with lean protein foods before you begin to sleep. The combination of high fiber vegetables and lean meats or foods will make your stomach feel full but your body will get a limited calories.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Healthy Foods For Diet

Currently we are implementing a program for slimming diet, does not mean we allow ourselves to kelapasan. Remember always, that we must continue to meet and met all the necessary nutrients the body needs for weight loss programs in progress.

However, the process of selecting a suitable food for the diet should also be done properly and carefully, because if you want to get a slim body and an ideal, but without interrupting the digestive process, then we should be more selective when choosing food.

As quoted from a report released Times of India, following are some foods that must exist in our diet while you are on a diet program.


If we do not eat green vegetables, it is impossible for us to be able to meet the nutritional needs or nutrition for the body during the diet lasts. So do not forget to always include green vegetables such as spinach, beans, lettuce, or broccoli in our diet every day. As we all know that vegetables are foods that are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and K, and folic acid. In addition, in vegetables also contain many important minerals, like calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium, which is still needed by the body when it was on a diet.


Wheat is one of poko foods rich in nutrients, fiber, and vitamins. A leading dietitian, Honey Shah, even for his patients are always advised to always make eating bread made from wheat, wheat pasta and brown rice. Therefore, it is evident that these foods include foods that are high in protein but does not contribute by donating fat that can affect body weight.


If we add the menu of nuts in our diet, then it is a very appropriate decision. Because nuts are known as one source of protein, magnesium, vitamin B and E, nuts sabagai proven one of the foods that can prevent heart disease and cancer. Although nuts are known for high fat, but fat is fat that is good for heart health.


Yoghurt is in the manufacturing process uses low-fat milk as its main ingredient is a source of vitamins, protein, and calcium are very good. In a lot of yogurt contains good bacteria that are proven to fight the disease. Eat 3-4 cups of yogurt a week is good enough for our diet.

Tighten skin shining from the Healthy Foods

If we accustom ourselves to always eat healthy foods, not only will make the body become healthy but also will create a skin tight body and shine. That is why we need to always pay attention to healthy eating for beauty and skin health is always awake.

Someone who likes to consume foods that contain lots of fat and carbohydrates, the body will be more at risk of skin wrinkles arise and more prone to depletion. Which is high-fat foods like red meat, full cream milk products, butter, animal oils and cooking oils as well as cream-based foods, sauces and also includes fast food, a food that can quickly lead to premature aging. Since the carbohydrate content is not intended carbohydrate normally present in fruits, vegetables, grains and seeds, but the type of carbohydrates that have been through or undergoing a process of purification, such as the carbohydrates found in white bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry, and also some types of candy.

In fact, the skin of our bodies also require fat intake enough to be able to function, but the fats that our bodies needed skin rather than saturated or trans fats are proven harmful to the skin but the good fats from nuts, olive oil, and omega-3. As we know that omega-3 fatty acids found in many marine fish species (tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, Spanish mackerel, bloating, etc.), as well as flax seeds (flaxseeds).

Some of these vitamins are very necessary for health and beauty of our skin:

- Vitamin A, is one of the vitamins that our bodies need to function to stimulate the repair of skin cells that die. Vitamins are widely present in carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and papaya. If we eat a bowl (200-250 g) papaya or spinach every day is enough for beauty and skin health.

- Vitamin C, this vitamin is also needed by the body to produce collagen, which is one protein that is necessary for skin elasticity can always be maintained, it can also make your skin firm and wrinkle free. The habit of eating citrus fruit, although only one, but done regularly every day will be able to maintain the beauty and skin health.

- Vitamin E, this vitamin is a vitamin is a major requirement to maintain the unity of the skin tissue. Some foods rich in vitamin E is found in many grains such as wheat and oatmeal, green vegetables, nuts, and also found in fatty fish such as sardines, mackerel.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women usually require an average calorie intake of 2200 ± calories (9500kJ) per day, so that mothers and healthy fetuses. For a pregnant woman, menu food to be consumed must be considered with care. Healthy food is highly recommended for pregnant women has been through a process mature, especially when eating eggs should not accustomed to eating in a state of half-baked, because it feared there are many types of salmonella bacteria that can harm the health of the

fetus. Meals are usually eaten raw in a state such as vegetables, sushi, steak undercooked lebik best avoided. Avoid also to consume soft cheeses, milk belom through the sterilization process or pasta because it was feared still contains many bacteria listeria can cause miscarriage.

Milk is also an excellent beverage for pregnant women, because it contained a lot of calcium in milk. Choose a special milk for pregnant women that contain lots of vitamins folic acid and other support, such as "skim milk". Other healthy foods recommended for pregnant women are green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, beans. Pregnant women are also advised to eat more potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and nuts.

one other healthy foods should be consumed by pregnant women is the fruit, like apples, oranges, grapes, tomatoes but do not forget to wash them thoroughly first. You start eating some healthy foods from now because other than beneficial for the mother is also very good for the growth of the fetus in the womb.

Content of Nitrate in Vegetables

Is it true that the opinion of some people about the existence of several types of vegetables that turned out to contain nitrate that are not safe for babies? For more details about this opinion, let us see explanation below

Origin of Nitrate

Nitrate is known as one of the natural element found in soil and is a combination of two other chemical compounds of Nitrogen and Oxygen. Every plant on earth requires nitrates, because the compound is very helpful in the process of growth and photosynthetic processes. But if the content of existing Nitrate excessive amount, then this can lead to nitrate pollution in groundwater.

Most of the existing excess levels of nitrates in the soil due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers. And it will not happen on the ground that the process of cropping done organically.

Danger of Excess Nitrate

If the Nitrate compounds ingested or get into our bodies, then our body will automatically do the process that will make further Nitrate as Nitrite. Furthermore Nitrite serves as a nuisance performance when carrying hemoglobin and oxygen flow throughout the bloodstream. And the disorder will usually result in Hypoxaemia, or low oxygen in the blood.

Danger of Excess Nitrate in Baby

Newborns or less than 3 months old have bowel with a fairly low acidity. These conditions if allowed to continue may cause the process elevated levels of nitrates have become faster and leads to the occurrence of Hypoxaemia.

Reducing the Risk

Content of excessive levels of nitrates in the body of infants under the age of 3bulan can occur because of two possibilities:
Use of water containing high nitrate levels as an additional ingredient separately purposes of these babies, for example, to create a formula or if you consume foods with high nitrate content.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Raw foods and their benefits

A vegetarian or someone who likes to eat plant foods typically have a smooth soul, sensitive and always sympathetic and empathetic towards every living creature. A true vegetarian always has prinsif hold dear in his life that he will not eat meat foods that come from all animals.

The main principle is a true vegetarian who loves all animate creatures so that there is no reason that justifies for him to eat it.
Therefore, belonging to a vegetarian has its own recipes so-called vegetarian recipes and vegetarian food.

Vegetarian meals will always be derived from elements of plants. Since all types of animal protein or protein derived from animal flesh would be considered as a trigger for evil lust.

Actually, many things can we draw from the life of a vegetarian prinsif this. There is nothing wrong if we start now little by little up the lifestyle that is always voracious omnivore devouring all kinds of food. Try some vegetarian recipes to suit our tastes so that our lives more peaceful and loving.

Also a lot of benefit from vegetarian recipes and vegetarian foods that we can make a menu of our daily food. Vegetarian foods classified as a healthy food that is useful for people who have a variety of diseases that are categorized as heavy as obesity, heart, liver, diabetes, hypertension, and others. A healthy diet of a vegetarian would annul or eliminate the effects of all types of the disease gradually but quite satisfactory. From now on let us emulate the style of a healthy diet a true vegetarian.

5 Healthy Foods that turned out toxic

A lot of some people argue, that the various types of vegetables are foods that are rich in nutrients and very healthy. But from some types of vegetables available, there were some that could be harmful to the body, even at a certain level can cause death. As quoted by FoxNews, here are five foods that seem healthy but you should avoid.

1. Seeds and Roots
In seeds, seeds or roots of some kinds of fruits and vegetables found to contain a natural substance called amygdalin, one of which is a compound having the chemical name cyanogenik glykosida are usually found in the seeds of the apple, peach, plum, apricot, cherry and almond . If the substance amygdalin contained in grains are consumed in large amounts can cause a person to experience toxicity cyanida. But you do not need to worry, because if only once or twice ingest these substances will not be too harmful to the body because the new levels of amygdalin will react when consumed in large quantities.

2. Potatoes 'Green'
Other toxins are common and most often encountered in the kitchen is a potato that had been stored and changed color to green. Substance solanine and chaconine, are natural toxins that are usually contained in glikoalkaloid potatoes. However, the generally low levels of toxic and will not cause serious effects if eaten. In addition rmenyebabkan bitterness, the poison contained in the potato was also potentially lead to toxicity symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or in more serious levels will make your mouth burn.

3. Rhubarb
Rhubarb is one of the types of plants that contain toxins in their leaves, but in some people can be used as ingredients for food, especially pudding mix. The leaves of rhubarb plants turned out to contain oxalic acid which can cause serious kidney damage and death. Although the effect of such damage only applies to people who eat them in a number of very much, but it would not hurt if you avoid the leaves of rhubarb when making a salad.

4. Raw Cassava
Cassava as we know in fact divided into two types: bitter and sweet types. In that type of bitter cassava turned out to contain toxic levels of glycosides (cyanide can form acid) is high when compared with the type of sweet cassava. If cassava is not cooked to perfection, or until fully cooked it will form hydrogen cyanide (HCN), whose effects can cause serious health problems, such as narrowing of the respiratory tract, nausea, vomiting, headache, and even in some cases can cause death.

5. Mushrooms 'Wild'
To distinguish safe mushrooms or non-toxic to toxic fungus that is quite difficult. Mushrooms that contain toxins turned out to not be converted into a 'safe to eat' just the way cooked or processed with other teknih such as frozen or put in airtight tins. One type of fungi that have a high content of poisonous toadstools which is the Latin name "death cap" (Amanita phalloides). 'Death cap' is the most poisonous toadstools in comparison with other types of toadstools.

The content of alpha-amanitin in the fungus is shown to damage the liver and kidneys and cause death. The initial symptoms are caused heartburn, diarrhea and vomiting water. The symptoms usually begin to appear 2-3 days after eating the mushrooms. Later cases death can occur after six to 12 days the process of poisoning took place. According to research results to some experts, swallowing 30 grams of death cap mushroom is enough to kill a human.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Retaining Healthy Food Hunger

For Those of you doing a diet Who Are Trying to lose weight or Will Certainly be concerned if your body fat Pls consuming a variety of foods. But you do not have to worry about the condition, Because if you know some healthy foods you can still eat your fill without fear of the risk of Becoming obese.

When you're implementing a diet, it is not recommended if you get hungry, there is even a well-known tips for People who diet is "not a starvation diet". Diet is a condition where a person Remains in a state of the stomach is not hungry. To support the diet program without stomach feels hungry, it turns out there are some foods That have the effect of filling the stomach, so That Pls you eat these foods then your stomach Will still feel full longer, so the effects are not directly perceived is the portion you eat Will be reduced drastically and your weight Will be maintained in ideal.

Here are some healthy foods hunger retaining Them.

Vegetables included in the class of low-calorie foods, even vegetables Such as broccoli, asparagus and spinach have some advantages That one of Them is the thermal effects in the body, the intention is of this type of vegetables will not be stored as fat for calorie content has been used up in During the process of digestion. Green vegetables are also known as That foods contain high levels of fiber, the fiber is its main function as an anti-oxidant, vitamins, and Certainly, of course a function of fiber-Will give you a sense of satiety.

Pektik substances contained in apple fruit is proven to Reduced your appetite naturally. Apples are one of many healthy foods are used as a substitute diet for People who do the diet program. fiber content is very tinggti on apples Will be Able to keep you satisfied for quite a long time. Apple has always been known as one of many healthy foods That help a person when you're dieting.

Nuts are a source of vegetable protein is easily the best We have encountered. Besides containing much protein, beans also contain fiber the which is quite high. To digest foods are nuts, the body needs a long time and the final results can be obtained Is that you feel full longer Pls Will you eat healthy foods Such manifold nuts.

Low-fat milk
Low-fat milk or other dairy products are low in fat Such as cheese and yogurt to be the best source of calcium. Choose low-fat milk or other processed products thereof as healthy foods for your diet program.

Fish is also very well known as one of the healthy food-producing the best protein sources. mackarel fish like fish, herring, tuna, salmon known to contain lots of omega-3 fatty acids, fatty acid is proven to help lower your cholesterol. How to process or the make healthy meals with fish Marshall also determine the quality of health food Itself, and the best results for the processing of fish into a healthy diet of course with grilled or steamed.

Benefits of Apples For For Your Diet Program

Do you know if the apple that you know so far proved to have many health benefits, one of which is the most favorite fruit to the diet to lose weight. In apple fruit contained very little fat content but the fiber that is it very high, this fiber which will help you feel full faster.

If you eat apples with the skin will make the levels of glucose in the blood contained a slow rise. Apples are still inside the shell has a relatively low index glicemic. The rate at which blood sugar levels can be reduced significantly with foods that have low levels of glicemic index.

Apples also shown to have a very high content of antioxidants, anti-oxidants such as having the primary function of lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the body, if the level of bad cholesterol in the body is low, there will be Melindungin us from heart disease.

In addition to some of the benefits as described above, in fact there are many other benefits of apple juice when made, are as follows.
- Can relieve symptoms or diarrhea
- Launching the digestive process and reduce weight quickly
- Apple juice can fend off attacks also proved to viral infection
- In some cases it can help treat asthma
- It can prevent tooth decay and gum disease are more severe
- Strengthen and relieve the kidneys work
- Lowering blood pressure with fast enough
- Fight or treat arthritis
- Lowering and also stabilize blood sugar
- Apples also serves as an anticancer agent

From the explanation above it turns out a lot of apples for health benefits?. I hope this short article about the benefits of apple fruit to lose weight can be beneficial to you.

Cheese Chicken Burger

A savory and delicious recipe that you would get when biting burger recipe below. Wrap a chewy tasty cheddar cheese will increasingly make it more tasty burgers and provide for your own taste sensation. You want to try it?
If you are interested to try it, please refer to the materials and how to make a fairly complete below

2 tablespoons butter
100 g cheddar cheese, diced or crushed to taste

250 g chicken until finely chopped
30 g onions, chopped up finely you also
1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley or crush until smooth
1 egg yolk
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt

Seasonings complementary:
Spicy chili sauce or you can choose to fit your taste
A few leaves of fresh lettuce

Here's how to make it:

To make the burgers:
Stir all ingredients until well blended with the burger above average. Then you divide it into 4 parts. Form a circle or you can create with a more attractive molds, flatten.
Once the burgers are printed or finished, fill the middle with cheddar cheese that has been shaved. Round the back and press the burgers until slightly flattened.
Once everything is ready, now you melt the butter and cook burgers until both sides of the burger looks cooked or discolored. Remove from heat.
Serve with All spice complement.

For 4 pieces

Monday, January 9, 2012

Hot Pot To Diet

Besides chicken meat can be processed into soup, it also can be made for hot pot meals are tasty and delicious. One recipe that is perfect for those of you who are doing therapy or diet trying to lose weight. One full serving of vegetables and fresh with a tasty sauce scented fragrance is guaranteed to make your stomach full. You can enjoy it in warm conditions with a little lemon juice added.
The following materials and how to make it


1 liter of water
1 cm ginger, crushed to fine
3 cloves garlic, fried first and then crushed
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
2 tsp salt
300 grams of chicken meat, cut into pieces adjust to the tastes of its shape
1 egg white, beaten until frothy
200 g bok choy, cleaned, cut or shredded
2 leeks, cut to the size of 3 cm
3 stalks coriander leaves, cut into rough
1 orange lime

How to make:

Boil 1 liter of water along with ginger that has been crushed at once with onion, pepper and salt.
Enter the chicken pieces and cook over medium heat and wait until chicken is tender.
Pour in the egg white is whipped it while stirring rapidly until smooth clotted.
Insert pieces of bok choy and scallions and simmer until wilted look.
Then lift your cooking, do not forget to sprinkle with coriander leaves and drizzle with a little lemon juice.
You can serve it in hot conditions.

For 4 people