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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bad Eating Habits at the Office

Most people who live in big cities in various parts of the world who spend a lot of his time in office. Since very little free time just to cook and eat the right way. They will usually meet their working drawer with fast food and some snacks that tastes sweet.

Instant food or fast food and sweets are high in fat, salt and glucose so that it can cause a person to more quickly contracting obesity, diabetes and even heart disease. But do not worry, though now you have a relatively poor eating habits such as described above, but not too late for you to improve the eating habits.

Here are some eating habits you should avoid when you're working in the office:


Avoid storing some foods such as chips, chocolate candies, or cookies in the glove compartment of your work. Although these foods can help you in recovering your stamina, but these foods will be able to easily make your body store fat that is actually not needed by the body. Even worse is the salt content found on packaged snacks that can cause hypertension and dehydration.

Too much to drink tea or coffee

The habit of drinking tea or a cup of coffee every two hours is a habit that must be eliminated, because the habit of drinking tea and coffee is done to excess can make you feel easily agitated, irritability, dehydration, and even more severe effect is insomnia. If the tea and coffee drunk after we finished eating, it will be able to inhibit the absorption of iron and of course the body will experience a complete nutritional deficiencies.


After your day of work, of course, you will feel hungry and your mind immediately tempting to try to have dinner hunger to get out and sleep the sleep. Yet the truth is that hunger at night to tell if you are already tired and must get to sleep, not eating. If you eat a big portion with a high carbohydrate content, it will be difficult for the body digest food before you sleep.

If it is necessary, then eat vegetables combined with lean protein foods before you begin to sleep. The combination of high fiber vegetables and lean meats or foods will make your stomach feel full but your body will get a limited calories.


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