A lot of some people argue, that the various types of vegetables are foods that are rich in nutrients and very healthy. But from some types of vegetables available, there were some that could be harmful to the body, even at a certain level can cause death. As quoted by FoxNews, here are five foods that seem healthy but you should avoid.
1. Seeds and Roots
In seeds, seeds or roots of some kinds of fruits and vegetables found to contain a natural substance called amygdalin, one of which is a compound having the chemical name cyanogenik glykosida are usually found in the seeds of the apple, peach, plum, apricot, cherry and almond . If the substance amygdalin contained in grains are consumed in large amounts can cause a person to experience toxicity cyanida. But you do not need to worry, because if only once or twice ingest these substances will not be too harmful to the body because the new levels of amygdalin will react when consumed in large quantities.
2. Potatoes 'Green'
Other toxins are common and most often encountered in the kitchen is a potato that had been stored and changed color to green. Substance solanine and chaconine, are natural toxins that are usually contained in glikoalkaloid potatoes. However, the generally low levels of toxic and will not cause serious effects if eaten. In addition rmenyebabkan bitterness, the poison contained in the potato was also potentially lead to toxicity symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or in more serious levels will make your mouth burn.
3. Rhubarb
Rhubarb is one of the types of plants that contain toxins in their leaves, but in some people can be used as ingredients for food, especially pudding mix. The leaves of rhubarb plants turned out to contain oxalic acid which can cause serious kidney damage and death. Although the effect of such damage only applies to people who eat them in a number of very much, but it would not hurt if you avoid the leaves of rhubarb when making a salad.
4. Raw Cassava
Cassava as we know in fact divided into two types: bitter and sweet types. In that type of bitter cassava turned out to contain toxic levels of glycosides (cyanide can form acid) is high when compared with the type of sweet cassava. If cassava is not cooked to perfection, or until fully cooked it will form hydrogen cyanide (HCN), whose effects can cause serious health problems, such as narrowing of the respiratory tract, nausea, vomiting, headache, and even in some cases can cause death.
5. Mushrooms 'Wild'
To distinguish safe mushrooms or non-toxic to toxic fungus that is quite difficult. Mushrooms that contain toxins turned out to not be converted into a 'safe to eat' just the way cooked or processed with other teknih such as frozen or put in airtight tins. One type of fungi that have a high content of poisonous toadstools which is the Latin name "death cap" (Amanita phalloides). 'Death cap' is the most poisonous toadstools in comparison with other types of toadstools.
The content of alpha-amanitin in the fungus is shown to damage the liver and kidneys and cause death. The initial symptoms are caused heartburn, diarrhea and vomiting water. The symptoms usually begin to appear 2-3 days after eating the mushrooms. Later cases death can occur after six to 12 days the process of poisoning took place. According to research results to some experts, swallowing 30 grams of death cap mushroom is enough to kill a human.
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